White Christmas Chia Pudding

White Christmas Chia Pudding

Wake up with the taste of Christmas with our healthy, nutritious Chia Puddings made with our Collagen Creamer in Vanilla to keep you glowing through the festive season. 

These easy & quick White Christmas Chia Pudding's are filled with fibre, protein and probiotics to give you a boost for the Christmas period. 



2 tbsp chia seeds

1 tbsp honey 

40g natural coconut yoghurt

150ml almond milk or milk of choice 

1 tsp shredded coconut 

1 tbsp vanilla protein powder of choice 

1 tbsp Beforeyouspeak Collagen Creamer - Vanilla 

Ganache Topping:

10g white chocolate of choice

1tbsp natural coconut yoghurt 



  1. Add the chia seeds, honey, coconut yoghurt, milk, shredded coconut, vanilla protein and Beforeyouspeak Collagen Creamer into a bowl and combine. Cover and refrigerate for an hour or overnight.
  2. Once thickened, mix again and transfer to a container of choice (i.e a mason jar).
  3. Melt down your white chocolate and mix in the coconut yoghurt. Pour this mixture over the top of the chia pudding and sprinkle with coconut. 
  4. Allow to set in the fridge for 5-10 minutes and enjoy!