The Top 8 Superfoods for Immunity & Health

The Top 8 Superfoods for Immunity & Health

Here at BYS, we're strongly advocate for giving your body the best shot at staying healthy and fighting fit naturally, and a good place to start is making the most of the food nature gave us! After a Vitamin C boost? Juice some oranges, roast some brussels sprouts or look for Camu Camu in your supplements. Need to increase your iron levels? BBQ some steak and sauté some spinach. Whether you’re a hard training gym junkie or just looking for natural ways to improve your health, everyone can benefit from incorporating superfoods into their diet. Keep reading to find out our pick of the best superfoods so you can start reaping their benefits.


Known for its rich yellow colour, turmeric has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine thanks to its superfood properties. Nowadays, turmeric is used to reduce inflammation, soothe the stomach and brighten the skin. It can be used in a variety of dishes, most abundantly in curries, but we hear it also makes a pretty tasty addition to your favourite coffee ;)


This wonder-root superfood isn’t just for flavouring your nana's favourite lollies! A great source of antioxidants, ginger can be used for a whole range of health benefits. Studies have shown that ginger can help with digestion and reduce pain and inflammation and is a widely used ingredient to help manage nausea and motion sickness. Studies suggest that when consumed daily, ginger can reduce muscle pain and can ease menstrual cramps. Make sure to take advantage of the complimentary pickled ginger next time you’re at your local sushi train or steep some chopped up fresh ginger in hot water to brew a soothing tea.

Olive Leaf

A powerful antioxidant best known for its immune boosting properties, this super extract and may help ease cold and flu symptoms. It has also been shown to promote brain and heart health, support healthy blood pressure and assist with weight management. Olive leaf isn't really something you can add to your favourite dishes, but it's super easy to come by in all natural immunity supplements and well worth the inclusion!

Dark Greens

Didn’t your parents ever tell you you had to eat your greens? Turns out it wasn’t just a trick to get you to finish your dinner before you could have dessert! Dark, leafy greens like silver beet, spinach and kale are all jam packed with Vitamin A (beneficial for eye health), Vitamin C (helps boost immunity) and Vitamin K (to aid in bone health) as well as a range of B Vitamins including folate, which can promote good heart health.


In addition to tasting delicious (baked, pan-fried, sashimi - it doesn’t matter!), salmon boasts a high protein content and numerous health benefits. It’s omega-3 fatty acids are important for heart health and studies show they can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Salmon also contains a mineral called selenium, which helps to regulate the production of our thyroid hormone.


A plant food group of their own, legumes are made up of protein and carbohydrates and include lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas and split peas. Their fibre content can help lower cholesterol and legumes are high in a number of vitamins including zinc and phosphorus. Our body needs zinc to activate our T-cells which helps our immune system to function, while phosphorus aids in cell repair and is important for energy production.


Low in calories, berries are full of powerful antioxidants that fight off cell damaging free radicals. Strawberries, blueberries, and even the lingonberries served at IKEA can promote heart health – and studies suggest they can even help to slow down our skin’s aging and reduce the development of wrinkles


Scrambled, poached or fried - whatever way you like your eggs, you’ll be obtaining their benefits. Full of protein, vitamins, minerals, healthy fatty acids and amino acids, eggs are also one of the only foods that have a natural Vitamin D content which is crucial in the regulation of other vitamins in our body.

You want to know the best part about these jam-packed superfoods? You’ll find most of them down an aisle at your local supermarket.

Good health awaits!