Sleep - AKA My Favourite Time Of Day

Sleep - AKA My Favourite Time Of Day

By Beforeyouspeak Creative Wizard Evie

I am definitely not an expert nor do I boast any worthy credentials within this specific niche. But what I do have is an undivided love for napping, and am a self proclaimed sleep aficionado! *Takes a bow*

Sleep is my absolute favourite time of day, which I understand might (does) sound a bit lame, but hear me out. It’s not so much the fact of being unconscious for 7-8 hours that I get excited over, I’m not THAT lame, but more so it’s the preparation for bed, the preparation to relax and the state of just being. Practicing good sleep hygiene is a super important factor in getting the most out of your body’s down time.

We all know how important rest and recovery is, not just for your physical body but also for your mental and emotional wellbeing. We’ve all had those days where you didn’t get enough sleep the night before, your day is an absolute shambles, your mood is low, your irritability is high, your body aches… It’s no fun for anyone, least of all you! So when you can actively be in control of avoiding this, why wouldn’t you want optimise it to the best of your ability. Below are my top tips that work wonders for me to get the most out of my beauty sleep, and help ensure that I’m functioning to the best of my ability.

Limit Screen Time
Limiting screen time before bed can significantly improve sleep quality. Screens emit blue light that disrupts the natural sleep-wake cycle by suppressing melatonin production. Additionally, stimulating content can keep the mind active when it should be relaxing and getting ready to sleep. By reducing screen exposure before bed, you can promote better sleep and wake up feeling more rested and refreshed.

Read A Book
Reading before bed, I find, is a great form of entertainment, especially when chosen over screen time as books don't emit blue light (as I mentioned above). Being a super calming activity, it helps to relax the mind and prepare for sleep by providing your brain a more passive activity that’s not overstimulating.

Have A Warm Drink
Having a hot drink before bed can be beneficial for sleep because it promotes relaxation and soothes the body. The warmth can help to lower stress levels, making it easier to drift off. My fave hot drink is a hot choccy made with BYS Collagen Complex in Rich Choc, it’s a nice little sweet treat to end the day on.

Cool Your Room Down
Sleeping in a cool room is beneficial for sleep quality as it helps to lower your core body temperature, which is necessary for initiating and maintaining sleep. A cooler environment can contribute to a deeper, more restorative sleep.

Use Essential Oils
Essential oils have wonderfully calming and soothing properties which go hand in hand with sleep. Scents like lavender, chamomile, and cedarwood are known for their relaxing effects, reducing stress and anxiety and allowing the mind and body to unwind more effectively before bed.

Use Magnesium On Your Feet
Using a magnesium spray before bed can be beneficial for a good night's sleep, magnesium is known to relax muscles and promote relaxation. Absorbing magnesium through the skin via a spray can calm the nervous system and support healthy sleep patterns, leading to improved sleep quality and overall well-being.