Meaningful Change Takes Time

Meaningful Change Takes Time

Welcome to February! We’re officially 8.5% of the way through 2022 🤯

We hope you enjoyed being a part of our 10 for 10 movement challenge with Commando Steve last week, and we can’t wait to finish up strong with you in the next few days.

One of our favourite catchphrases around the Beforeyouspeak office is ‘Meaningful Change Takes Time’, and it applies to everything we do in our mission to help people make noticeable and long-lasting changes in their lives. With the help of the powerful ingredients, we infuse into our coffee blends of course.Meaningful change, change that is made for the better, doesn’t often happen quickly. It happens after a concerted effort, day after day, to achieve an improvement in a major area of your life. And when it all falls into place, it feels pretty amazing!

In a society where immediate gratification is the expected norm, it can be tricky not to feel defeated when tackling a goal that requires patience and discipline before you can reap the rewards. It’s not necessarily the work that’s hard, it’s waiting for the outcome! We’ve had the pleasure of working with some epic, and very successful people since we launched in 2017, and all of them will tell us that success doesn’t happen overnight. 

Remember, Consistency > Results!

Last week we spoke about how to keep showing up for yourself when things get tough, and making a change will feel a little messy at first but that’s ok. Everybody struggles and everybody finds it hard from time to time, even though you may not see it in the filtered perfection of social media. Don’t give up or change your course at the first sign of waver or hardship. Have faith in the outcome, remember we believe in you, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t also believe in, and be proud of yourself! 💪