Keto Friendly Protein Packed Prosciutto Tart

Keto Friendly Protein Packed Prosciutto Tart

Low carb, high protein and keto friendly, this healthy tart is super quick and easy to whip together. Add extra veggies for #health, or omit the prosciutto for a vegetarian version, the possibilities are endless!



  • 3/4 cup Almond Meal
  • 85g parmesan cheese
  • 3 egg whites



  1. Preheat the oven to 180C and grease mini tart trays (or one big one)
  2. Place all of the crust ingredients into a large mixing bowl and mix by hand until well combined
  3. Using your fingers, firmly and evenly press the dough into a tart pan, covering the bottom and the sides
  4. Prick the base with a fork and bake for 15 minutes
  5. Meanwhile, using a whisk or a stand mixer, combine ricotta, cream, eggs and seasoning and mix until it is smooth and creamy
  6. Tear the prosciutto into small chunks and chop up the spring onions. Place these into the egg mixture, leaving a few to spare
  7. Pour the mixture over the tart base and then top with the remaining spring onions and prosciutto
  8. Finish with a grind of black pepper and bake for 30 minutes. Enjoy!