7 Years Of Innovation & Growth: Our Journey So Far

7 Years Of Innovation & Growth: Our Journey So Far

In this candid Q&A, we catch up with Ash, Co-Founder of Beforeyouspeak Coffee, as he reflects on the last seven years of Beforeyouspeak’s journey. Ash shares his thoughts on the future of product development, maintaining a work-life balance, and the ups and downs of leading a growing team. Known for his laid-back style and hands-on approach, Ash gives us a peek into the heart of BYS, where collaboration and camaraderie have driven longevity and success.

Vision for Innovation
Q: How did you approach product development in the early days of Beforeyouspeak Coffee? Has this approach evolved over the years, and what have you learned along the way?

Ash: In the early days of BYS, our product development was simply about creating the products we wanted to use. This approach is still a key factor today, but now we have a larger team to help shape the decision-making process. As a collective, our team mirrors our customer demographic, so if we are passionate about and use the products we make daily, it's a strong indicator of success with our customers.

Ingredient Driven
Q: What drives your passion for ingredient quality and efficacy, and what factors do you consider most important when formulating new products?

Ash: We have always strived to be a premium brand regarding the quality of our products. We prioritize sourcing ingredients from reputable suppliers and focus on including them at effective dosages. Each ingredient has a clear purpose and contributes meaningfully to the formula's efficacy.

Reflections on Growth
Q: Looking back on the past seven years, what are some of the key factors that have contributed to the growth and success of Beforeyouspeak Coffee? What are you most proud of?

Ash: I am proud that we have pioneered a new category in the coffee world while staying committed to our ambitious vision for the brand despite challenges. The true key to BYS's success is undoubtedly our team – past and present. Every member has played a part in shaping the brand we know today.

Future Vision
Q: What are your aspirations for the future of Beforeyouspeak Coffee? Where do you see the company in another seven years?

Ash: Over the next seven years, you will see BYS venture into new sales channels with new products and packaging formats, and expand into more international markets.

Work-Life Balance
Q: How do you balance your personal life with the demands of growing Beforeyouspeak Coffee? What strategies have you found most effective to achieve a good work/life balance over the years?

Ash: In the beginning, it was all BYS, all the time. Things are a bit different now, but I have learned that stepping away from day-to-day work allows you to be more creative and see the bigger picture.

Relaxation and Downtime
Q: What are your favorite ways to switch off and relax during your downtime? What do you like to do outside of work?

Ash: Getting away on a camping trip is definitely my favorite way to decompress. Nothing beats getting out in nature, sitting around a fire with your mates (and a few cold beverages).

Team Memories
Q: Can you share a fun or memorable moment with the team that stands out to you over the years?

Ash: We have had some good times over the years, so it's hard to single out just one. Any time we do things as a group is always the best, whether that is trade shows, Christmas parties – it's always a good vibe to get together outside of the office!

Leading a Team
Q: How has your experience been leading an ever-growing team within the company? What is the most important thing you’ve learned when it comes to being a leader within a rapidly scaling business?

Ash: My style is quite laid back. I think it's important to allow the team to have as much autonomy within their roles as possible, trust them to make decisions, and encourage them to bring their own personalities and ideas to the table. You want people to feel comfortable expressing themselves.

Making Mistakes
Q: Looking back, what’s the biggest mistake you/the company has made that you can now look back on and laugh about? What did you learn from that experience?

Ash: Our biggest stumbles came from moments of self-doubt. We sometimes prioritized external opinions and insights over our own vision, leading to a few missteps in hiring and product development. It took us off course for a while, but thankfully, not permanently.

Ash's reflections offer a glimpse into the heart and soul of Beforeyouspeak Coffee, with a dedication to quality, team, and innovation being a priority since day one. As BYS continues to evolve, a commitment to authenticity will be front of mind to keep the brand grounded and poised for future success, while never forgetting our humble roots. From us to you, cheers to the last 7 years, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of your support.